Thanksgiving Break

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

School Closed

Holiday Gift Shop

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

An event hosted by the upper elementary classroom give the opportunity for all students to complete their holiday shopping for family and friends.

Slide Day

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

Primary through middle school children will get a chance to cut loose and SLIDE! If you would like to sign up to help monitor the slides contact the MPA.

Cookie Celebration

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

Toddler students will show their skills and decorate cookies in preparation for the holiday season.

Winter Break

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

School Closed

Classes Resume

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

Book Fair

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

An event hosted by the middle school classroom. Shop for books with or without your children all week. The profits go to fund field trips, speakers, educational events, and more […]

Grandparents and Goodies

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

Calling all grandparents! Join us at the book fair. Shop with your grandchild while you enjoy a sweet treat and cup of coffee.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

School Closed

Mardi Gras

Montessori Educational Center 4209 N. Bolton Avenue, Alexandria, LA, United States

School Closed

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